Driving anticipation for the new K11 Clubhouse opening

A head start on the waves of promotion to come

Marketed as the biggest PURE Fitness club in the world, PURE Fitness at K11 MUSEA deserved the attention and anticipation. With that said, the dedicated mini-site was created for this new gym club and launched before its opening to garner early market exposure, giving fans and gym enthusiasts a sneak peek at the facilities and package deal beforehand. 

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Sneak peek

Create excitement around a new club launch

Prioritized lead management

Streamlined response to new club related enquires

Reusable framework

Built minisite template for future projects 

Tell a story through the design of space

PURE Fitness at K11 MUSEA has a story to tell – to lift off exponential growth and infinite progress. As such, there's a three scrolls' worth of space dedicated to featuring the central concept of the new club, as well as honoring the bright and spacious interior space in the actual location.

Help customers make faster decisions.

Simple, clean, a distraction-free walkthrough

The design and content in the homepage navigation could mean the difference between a conversation or bounce. That was why we set a clear path for customers on the homepage by showing what they need to know.

Build for a frictionless experience

The payment gateway was built into the standalone minisite for PURE Fitness at K11 MUSEA to facilitate a more straightforward payment flow, removing the fraction in the experience for customers and increasing the conversion rate for PURE.

Streamline customer experience for business growth.


Kelly Lau / Project Executive

Kelvin Choi / Art Director

Jack Wong / Senior Designer

Dorby Leung / Designer

Mike Liu / Frontend Developer

Benix Leung / Backend Developer


  • The lead time was squeezed down to 2 months, and that included the design process of the UX & UI and front-end and back-end development.


  • Built a reusable website template serviceable in future projects.
