Reviving the Charm: Danny Chan's Encore Exhibition

Encore Exhibition: Cheers to Danny Chan!

To reminisce Danny Chan’s 30th anniversary, we collaborated with Emperor Cinemas to create an exhibition celebrating the iconic career and life of Danny Chan. Taking fans back in time, the exhibition recreated the shared cherished moments with fans, evoking nostalgia. As fans visited the Room of Light or listen to the restored voice message of Danny through the telephone receivers, they could have all the time they want to reconnect with their favourite timeless idol.




1 month



The Room of Light

Known to be one of the best songwriters of the time, Danny’s greatest hits shed lights to many. The Room of Light projects the best extracts from Danny’s song, touching the hearts of fans with words and light display.

What could be more engaging than receiving a call from your favourite idol? Leveraging the messages extracted from Danny’s documentaries, interviews, and award speeches, we remastered a telephone call experience for fans.

Fans picking up the receiver get to hear Danny’s voice, as if he was on the other end of the line.

As the first multi-talented idol of Hong Kong, Danny achieved numerous milestones throughout his career as a musician, movie star, and idol.

The Time Tunnel commemorates the milestones of his career.

With the digitally restored version of the film “Encore” released, the “Encore” Billboard, centred at the common area, was staged to capture the attention of moviegoers.